We regret to announce that the Lions Clubs International Convention, scheduled for 26-30 June 2020, will not be held as originally planned in the city of Singapore.
The Ministry of Health in Singapore just announced that all large-scale events through June 30 will be cancelled to further reduce the transmission of the coronavirus. The Lions Board of Directors received the notification today from Singapore, and this important topic will be discussed by the Board of Directors at or before the April Board meeting.
Earlier this month, I informed you that while we were optimistic, we could hold the convention in Singapore, we were also assessing the feasibility of other host cities. For the past several weeks, the Executive Officers and the Convention Division Team have been exploring alternative options. Any changes surrounding the convention site and times are subject to Board approval and will be shared with Lions as soon as available.
In the meantime, our Convention Team will be working diligently to assist you. Lions International will issue full refunds for all registration fees paid. At this time, we kindly ask that you do not contact LCI Registration to inquire about your registration, ticket or housing cancellations as we establish our cancellation details.
We are disappointed, but we will continue to move forward as a global organization, keeping the health and safety of our members in mind.
Dr. Jung-Yul Choi
International President