If you need to pay by check or prefer to send in your registration form, download the form below.

Payment Information
Please mail full payment along with this registration form to the address below. Must be received by Friday, May 27, 2022. Registration is not confirmed until funds have cleared banking institution and full payment is processed by APIC. If we have not received payment in full by May 27, 2022, you will be required to issue payment via credit card prior to receiving access to the conference. Cancellation policy applies on check payments. All check payments must be in US funds drawn on a US bank. Make checks payable to APIC. Mail registration form and full payment to:

APIC Lockbox Processing
Registration - 165
PO BOX 79502
Baltimore, MD 21279

Please allow 3-4 weeks for processing.

COVID Safety Protocols
Our Goal is to Keep Everyone Safe
The health and wellbeing of our attendees, sponsors, exhibitors, speakers, and staff are paramount, and we are working closely with the city of Indianapolis, local hotels, and the Indiana Convention Center on COVID-19 safety protocols. Please visit the APIC Health and Safety requirements at https://annual.apic.org/safety/